W​hispering Elms Studio & Apiary​
Pure Natural Honey.....
Unpasteurized, pure, natural honey made by our very own little bees here in South Niagara.
If our bees do well, we usually have both a Summer and a Fall harvest of honey each year..... fingers crossed our little girls do well this year!!! We do what we can to help them but the rest is up to the bees themselves and to Mother Nature!!!
We have a curbside stand selling honey from the Victoria Day weekend thru Thanksgiving each year when our honey won't freeze being stored outside.
During the remainder of the year, when our roadside stand isn't open, we will gladly accept orders for curbside pickup but you'll need to contact us for details. If you can see this page, we DO have honey in stock but unfortunately we haven't yet figured out what to do about shipping! Please reach out...... thanks!